To better understand how people perceive the lifeClipper3 experience, a user evaluation was undertaken with eight experts. It was a qualitative study based on several standard approaches from usability testing and ethnographic research which were adapted and combined for the needs and the recording opportunities of lifeClipper3.
Participants were informed about the main interests of the project to focus their feedback before being accompanied on a lifeClipper3 visit.
The following methods were applied and modified:
- Think Aloud Protocol: I asked the experts to verbalize their thoughts, feelings, and opinions while interacting with lifeClipper. Their comments were recorded simultaneously with the audiovisual scenes projected through the headset.
- Field Observation: During the walks I had the opportunity to observe the subjects while experiencing the mise-en-scène and interacting with the system. In some cases we simultaneously filmed the scene with an additional camera at a distance, an approach which could extend the methods for future evaluations.
- Cultural Probes: This method was not used in the standard sense, but people were given the opportunity to take pictures with the system, and thus document their experiences.
Retrospective Testing: Viewing the recorded videos and pictures together with the subjects was planned, but was not finally carried out as it would have exceeded the time frame of the evaluation. However, recordings were made of the reflexive feedback which people gave after the walks.

Figure left: The evaluation setup is accessible and displays what the visitor sees.
Figure right: The exhibition backpack can be opened and all technical items accessed.
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Evaluation.pdf (German)
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